Hotel Punta Margherita

50 years of professional experience lie behind your holidays

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Hotel Punta Margherita since 1964

For over 50 years Hotel Punta Margherita has been at the service of tourists visiting Valtournenche. The hotel was opened in 1964 by Maria Antonietta Maquignaz and Emilio Pession. From then onwards the hotel has stayed in the hands of the Pession Family. The current hotel manager Erika, is Antonietta’s granddaughter.

On arriving you will also be welcomed by Erika’s mother, Cecilia and the latest generation of future hôtelliers, Gregory, Frederick, Annalisa and Nicholas, who will assist you during your stay.


Famiglia Pession

Hotel Punta Margherita - estate

Hotel Punta Margherita - inverno

Via Roma, 8 Valtournenche 11028 | Valle d’Aosta
Tel: +39 0166 920 87 | Cell: +39 339 47 65 632
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